• Jacob de Backer painting in Maagdenhuis (1560)
    Provided by: Maagdenhuis Museum/cc by-sa 4.0 Int/wikimedia
  • Maagdenhuismuseum
    Provided by: Visit Antwerpen

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Museum Mayer van den Bergh

Museum Mayer van den Bergh

In the late 1800s, a passionate collector Fritz Mayer van den Bergh amassed an amazing art collection. He purchased paintings by Peter Brueghel for a pittance, managed to beat major museums purchasing stunning medieval sculptures. Mayer van den Bergh had an eye for the best quality in almost every genre. After his death, his mother finally managed to make her son’s dream come true: she built a museum, which showcased his collection. Today, the museum stands largely uncharged: it is still a museum of one man... and his mother. Highly recommended in the Great smaller museums of Europe.
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Museum Plantin-Moretus

Museum Plantin-Moretus

The Plantin-Moretus museum gives an overview of book printing from the 15th until the 18th century and owns the worlds oldest printing press from around 1600. The stately town house also boasts period rooms, decorated with tapestries, gilt leather and paintings, including a Rubens, sculptures, earthenware and porcelain. The Museum Plantin-Moretus/Print Cabinet received the ultimate recognition in 2005 and was named as a UNESCO world heritage and is the only museum worldwide to have been given this honour.
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This museum is a combination of two historic homes: the home of the 17th century artist Frans Snyders and his neighbour, mayor Nicolaas Rockox. The permanent exhibition brings together masterpieces from Jan Fyt, Cornelis Massijs, Peter Paul Rubens, Jan Sanders van Hemessen, Hans III Jordaens, Jacob Jordaens, Maerten de Vos, David Teniers, Quentin Matsys, Joachim Patinir, Frans Snyders himself, Lucas Faydherbe, Paulus Pontius and Lambert Lombard. In the other rooms, you can admire art cabinets, sculptures, tapestries and ceramics.
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