• Wine Tours, Maribor, Slovenia
    Provided by: Vid Ponikvar
  • Wine Tours, Maribor, Slovenia
    Provided by: Karmen Razlag

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Drava Cycling Route - Drava Bike

Drava Cycling Route - Drava Bike

The Cycling Route in the Slovenian and Croatian territories is divided into 6 stages: Dravograd – Radlje ob Dravi (29 km) Radlje ob Dravi – Maribor (45 km) Maribor – Ptuj (30 km) Ptuj – Ormož (28 km) Ormož – Varaždin (30 km) Varaždin – Legrad (52 km) The Drava Cycling Route, an international long-distance cycling route, begins its Slovenian journey in Dravograd and continues to wind its way along the Drava through 145 km of Slovenian landscape. It continues its way towards Croatia towards Varaždin, all the way up to Legrad, where Mura river discharges into Drava river. You are invited to discover the Drava river’s beauty and the enjoyment it gives to bikers along the way! The route path, due to the rise in the section between Podvelka and Fala, is suitable for better-prepared cyclists or is recommended to use the train. Other parts of the bicycle route are also suitable for less prepared cyclists.
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Maribor Wine Trail

Maribor Wine Trail

Get to know excellent Styrian wines! The Maribor Wine Trail takes you through the wine cellars in the centre of Maribor where you will be able to get to know excellent Styrian wines and their producers. The Maribor Wine Trail package includes: Wine bar LeVino Maribor Water Tower Wine Shop The Old Vine House Purchase packages Maribor Wine Trail or Maribor Wine Trail with visit to the wine underground: TIC Maribor, Partizanska cesta 6 A Street, Maribor, Phone: +386 (0) 2 23 46 611, E-mail: tic@maribor.si Old Vine House, Vojašniska ulica 8 Street, Maribor, Phone: +386 (0) 2 25 15 100, E-mail: stara-trta@maribor.si A possibility for an extra charge: A professionally guided tour on the topic of the city’s wine culture: surcharge according to the guidebook.
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Big guy`s wine highlights with the World`s Oldest Vine

Big guy`s wine highlights with the World`s Oldest Vine

Embark on a wine pilgrimage on one of the most beautiful Slovenian wine routes. Enhance your wine culture in the company of a top sommelier and taste the fusion of Štajerska wine varieties and selected local cuisine. Learn about Štajerska winemakers and capture a magic moment of the famous heart between vineyards, one of the most beautiful vistas in Slovenia. What does the experience include? - Meeting a guide/sommelier in front of the Old Vine House. - A ride to Svečina, welcome sparkling wine and taking photos by the famous heart-shape wine road. - Wine tasting accompanied by professional insight of a wine-maker and sommelier and tasting local delicacies. - A ride to Maribor to the Vinag Wine Cellar. - A visit to the Vinag Wine Cellar, one of the largest and oldest classical wine cellars in Europe! Presentation of wine stories, climbing into a concrete barrel and wine tasting. - A stroll round the Maribor city centre to the Old Vine House in Lent. - A visit to the Old Vine House and a possibility to take photos in the canopy of the oldest vine in the world. Expert tasting of the samples selected among 190 wines of the Podravje region. Making a souvenir from a cork.
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Drava Centre

Drava Centre

City beach in the Mariborsko Jezero Regional Park. Catch a glimpse of the "sea". Take advantage of some sunny hours and spend the afternoon at Maribor’s leisure beach on the Accumulating lake Mariborsko jezero! Here you can catch your own piece of "sea," calm the frantic pace of modern life and recharge your batteries. Stop by the river, sit on the terrace, or drink a cold drink in a clearing beside the playground. In a pine forest, close to the water, a beautiful city beach also offers many recreational opportunities on and near the water.
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Botanic Garden of University of Maribor Pivola

Botanic Garden of University of Maribor Pivola

Pleasant natural atmosphere. Do you enjoy being surrounded by colourful plants or are interested in the finer details of botany? In the botanical garden - you will find it below the green slopes of Pohorje – visitors are surrounded by domestic and foreign flora. Admire them during a walk through the garden or with the help of a guided tour (bookings should be made in advance) get acquainted with happenings in the field of botany here in Slovenia as well as new happenings around the world.
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Regional Museum Maribor

Regional Museum Maribor

Regional Museum Maribor is located in the Maribor Castle which in all its opulence stands in the heart of the old town core. Archeology, ethnology and comprehensive cultural history of the Maribor region and its surroundings is everything you can discover in the Maribor Castle. Visit the Regional Museum, a general museum dealing with collecting, protecting, researching, exhibiting and the popularizing of movable cultural heritage. Enjoy the culture and history of our museum. The Regional museum is also for lovers of music and youngesters. In our museum are also different events such as concerts, lectures and professional gatherings. Special attention is given to younger visitors, for whom we organize professional guidance in the form of lessons and ocassional workshops for children.
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Museum of National Liberation Maribor

Museum of National Liberation Maribor

Interested in happenings that took place in our locality in World War II? You are invited to the historical museum, which deals with museology and historiograhical proceedings of modern history of Northeastern Slovenia, which can be found in a bourgeois villa in the city centre on the corner of the streets Mladinska and Ulica heroja Tomšiča. You can visit: The museum's specialty is its archives with more than 120 metres of first-class material of occupier and partisan origin. The permanent exhibition shows happenings in the region of Maribor between World War II. In all six exhibition rooms visitors learn about: - the Nazi occupation, - the occupier's Germanizational measures of the Slovenian population and - the organization of the resistance and the operations of the resistance groups and partisan units in this part of Slovenia from 1941 up to the end of the war. If you are interested in more detailed information on the above we offer professional guided tours through the exhibitions and collections.
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Stolnica (cathedral)

Stolnica (cathedral)

Once you are in the square of Slomškov trg, you must visit Maribor Cathedral. The construction of the cathedral and its further development brought Maribor additional cultural impetus and enforcement. It was built in the 12th century as a Romanesque building. Today it shows a Gothic style with a long chancel dating from the 14th century and a central church nave from the 15th century. The 57 metre high classicist designed bell tower dates back to the end of the 18th century as the primarily 76-metre high bell tower built by Pavel Porta in the year 1623 was struck by lightening.
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Maribor Synagogue

Maribor Synagogue

The Maribor Synagogue today is a centre for cultural activities and it offers visitors different events including exhibitions, concerts, literary evenings and round tables. You can find the Synagogue in the square Židovski trg in the former Jewish quarter, which is situated near the square Glavni trg. Its purpose through time Maribor's synagogue was first mentioned in the year 1429, but for sure it was built earlier on. Occasionally it served as the seat of the supreme rabbinate for Štajerska, which concludes that there was a Jewish community here. The synagogue was consecrated as Catholic Church and called All Saints in 1501. It was turned into and used as warehouse after 1785. Next to the synagogue once stood the rabbi's house, a Talmud school and a graveyard, and down by the river Drava a ceremonial bathing place.
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Franciscan church

Franciscan church

When exploring the old town core, it is impossible to overlook the "reddish" Franciscan church with its monastery. It is located next to important streets in the centre of town, such as Partizanska cesta and Svetozarevska ulica. Do you know the legend of the Franciscan Monks? “Long, long ago some farmers gave the Francis brothers the gift of a cow. But the monks did not have a rope to put around the cow’s neck, which of course caused them a lot of trouble. Since then they always wear a rope around their waits”.
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Maribor City Park

Maribor City Park

The Maribor City Park is a popular promenade and meeting point for residents of all generations and an inviting spot for all visitors of this city by the Drava River. Many of the trees in the park are over 140 years old and, since 1976, the area is protected as a landscape monument. Leave the noise of the city behind and take a walk through the beautifully landscaped City Park, where you will discover three ponds, the popular Aquarium and terrarium , and the playground. The path, which weaves through all types of trees, artfully arranged flower beds, water fountains, and by the hill of roses, will let you relax and calm your mind. You can sit on the banks by the beautiful ponds and enjoy the company of water birds or take a rest under the crowns of giant trees.
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