• Pre-war Atkinson Clock Tower with green foliage at Kota Kinabalu city, Sabah
    Provided by: Lano Lan/shutterstock

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Kota Kinabalu City Mosque

Kota Kinabalu City Mosque

The second main mosque in the city is set by a peaceful lakeside. Kota Kinabalu City Mosque at Likas Bay is an extraordinary example of contemporary architecture, resembling the design of the Masjid al-Nabawi (The Prophet's Mosque) in Medina, Saudi Arabia. The prayer room can hold up to 12,000 worshippers at one time and houses three madrasahs (religious schools). The man-made lagoon surrounding the mosque offers a beautiful and dramatic view on a full moon night.
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Monsopiad Cultural Village

Monsopiad Cultural Village

Nestled beside the Penampang River, the Monsopiad Cultural Village is a living museum located 16 kilometres from the KK City Centre. The village features traditional buildings and displays a variety of artefacts, including ceramic jars, padi grinders, bamboo items, and the costume of Bobohizan Inai Bianti, a senior high priestess. Other notable exhibits include a massive monolith surrounded by legends, a traditional restaurant, and Siou Do Mohoing, the House of Skulls, where all 42 "trophies" of the warrior Monsopiad hang from the rafters.
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