• Woman in Old Havana
    Provided by: Rafal Cichawa/Shutterstock.com

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Old Town (Habana Vieja)

Old Town (Habana Vieja)

Havana's vibrant Old Town is where the Cuban capital of today took root in the mid-16th century. UNESCO World Heritage Site status has brought about comprehensive restoration work to many of the city's crumbling architectural treasures, built in styles as wide-ranging as Cuban baroque and art nouveau (Plaza Vieja at the heart of Old Havana is where the eclecticism is most evident and best admired from a sidewalk cafe). The Old Town's two main pedestrian thoroughfares – Obispo and Mercaderes – are lined with government-run shops and attractive paladars.
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Plaza de la Revolución

Plaza de la Revolución

The expansive Plaza de la Revolución (formerly Plaza Cívica) is an important landmark where some of Cuba's most significant political rallies took place. Part of 'new Havana', this square is the modernist home of the Cuban government (Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba), but is most known for its murals of iconic figures like Che Guevara and revolutionary Camilo Cienfuegos, as well as the city's tallest monument dedicated to José Martí, an independence activist and Cuban National Hero (take the elevator up for spectacular views).
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