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Îles Lavezzi

Îles Lavezzi

In waters as clear as the Caribbean ones, in a fish haven lies a small archipelago called îles Lavezzi. All in granite, the austere decor must not make you forget the beauty and the serenity of the place. The inhabited islands were the place of the wreck of the Semillante, a French frigate, in 1855. Make sure to bring essentials like water, food, and parasols with you as there are no shops on the islands. To reach the islands, you can rent a boat or take advantage of the shuttle boat service.
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Boat Tours

Boat Tours

A boat tour is a must for discovering all the hidden places of Bonifacio. All the tours are conducted in several languages. It may be a good idea to access professional services as the waters of Bonifacio are dangerous with their reefs. You'll find various companies conveniently located on the same dock, offering a range of enticing routes. These routes encompass adventures like discovering the mesmerizing seabed, exploring the enchanting caves, cliffs, and coves of Bonifacio, as well as embarking on island-hopping escapades.
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