Explore a world of possibilities.



Lübeck, a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1987, was one of the great mercantile cities in the Middle Ages. The Old Town island, surrounded by the river Trave and the canal, today still communicates the charm of a port. Travemünde is one of the most beautiful sea resorts of Europe which already in 1802 transformed the former fishing- and sailor village into a top address for bathers from near and far. The fascinating sailing Old-timer “Passat”, chugging deep-sea fishing boats and gigantic ferryboats can be admired on the Baltic Sea.
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Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Islands

In 1831, Charles Darwin sailed to South America aboard the H.M.S. Beagle. On the return voyage across the Pacific, the vessel stopped on a small group of islands far off the Ecuadorian coast, changing the course of human scientific endeavour and self-understanding forever. Fascinated by the unique wildlife on the islands, Darwin collected biological specimens and studied them over the next 30 years. His findings led to the formulation of the scientific theory of evolution by natural selection. This small group of islands and their one-of-a-kind wildlife are to thank for one of humanity's most remarkable discoveries. And today, almost 200 years later, they remain a source of endless fascination and a favourite travel destination for scientists, nature and wildlife enthusiasts, scuba divers, and anyone interested in the wonders of the natural world.
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Golden domes and shimmering spires peek out from the wooded hills rising above the wide Dnipro River. Leafy-green Kyiv, with its traffic-packed boulevards, shopping malls, countless churches, brilliant music and lively nightlife, has embraced capitalism, yet held firmly to its heritage. The Caves Monastery is the spiritual heart of Ukraine, and nearby, a gigantic Brezhnev-era Motherland statue bearing sword and shield casts her all-encompassing eye over the city, the river, and its island beaches.
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Autumn and winter colours
Le Cap d'Agde Méditerranée, France

Autumn and winter colours

Discover the destination with all the gorgeous colours of autumn, it is also a place worth discovering.
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Mexico City

Mexico City

While Mexico is popular with travellers for its endless coasts, perfect weather and sandy beaches, the interior of the country is also well worth exploring. The bustling capital, Mexico City, with its hectic urban lifestyle, artistic neighbourhoods and historic buildings, has long been neglected by summer vacationers, but is now being discovered by curious city trippers. CDMX never ceases to surprise travellers with its renowned arts and culture scene, as well as some of the best cuisine in the Western Hemisphere.
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Hectic, bustling, chaotic — Dhaka is an enormous city of endless possibilities with energy to spare. Though it can seem a bit overwhelming at first, visitors who take the time to explore will find the experience most rewarding. Delicious food, bustling markets, serene parks and gardens, lazy river cruises and death-defying rickshaw rides, fascinating museums, temples and mosques to ease the soul, and tantalising musical and dance performances; all this and more awaits the adventurous traveller who dares to venture into this unique city.
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"The city in its setting and entire surroundings may be said to have something ideal." (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1797). Scarcely any other European city has had its praises so often sung as Heidelberg. The mysterious Heidelberg Castle, the picturesque Old Town, and as Goethe himself stated, the perfection of its setting – in the nineteenth century, all of this attracted the German romanticists, who immortalized Heidelberg in poetry, music, and art. Today the charm of Old Heidelberg is combined with a future-oriented and international focus.
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Five Days in Dubai
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Five Days in Dubai

The sun always shines in Dubai, ensuring endless fun on every holiday. Spend your days lounging at the beach, dining at celebrated restaurants, shopping at al fresco districts and immersing yourself in the city’s cultural best. Our itinerary presents thrills for all ages and settings that inspire.
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Hyderabad is India's national treasure, full of history, culture and amazing architecture. The century-old city never ceased to attract visitors from all over the world, international influences first pouring in with trade merchants in search of aromatic spices, shiny jewellery and gorgeous pearls. Today, Hyderabad is still known and loved for these goods, and many still travel here from afar to purchase them. The city also has numerous museums, shops, cafes and restaurants, so it's near impossible to be bored.
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Three Days in Dubai
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Three Days in Dubai

Whether you’re new to Dubai or a seasoned expert, our city always has surprises in store. Explore sky-high landmarks, charming waterside spots and cultural gems aplenty. Or go off the beaten track to hike in Hatta’s mountains, camp under the stars and create memories to last a lifetime.
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Las Grietas
Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Las Grietas

Adventure seekers can get their adrenaline pumping at this crystalline swimming hole by jumping from the newly-built platform on the surrounding cliffs. Las Grietas is a series of crevices that formed during the cooling process of the lava that formed these islands. The hike to get there takes travelers through a forest of huge cacti and over jagged and sometimes tricky lava rock formations, but the azure waters make the trip well worth the effort.
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Museum of Modern Art
Mexico City, Mexico

Museum of Modern Art

The Museum of Modern Art in Chapultepec park focuses on displaying modern Mexican art, mainly from the decade of 1930 onwards. The vast collection is presented through temporary exhibitions, usually three or four at a time. MAM is without a doubt the best place to see the widest possible variety of modern Mexican art within a short span of time. Frida Kahlo fans will always find a few of her works on display. Apart from the exhibitions in the main building, you'll find a large garden with numerous sculptures and a cosy cafe to keep your energy levels up.
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