Explore a world of possibilities.

Boston, Massachusetts

Boston, Massachusetts

Long known for its old-world charm, from the historic Faneuil Hall to the Freedom Trail that celebrates Boston’s preeminent role in the American Revolution, Boston has come a long way towards staking its claim in the 21st century. With the completion of the “Big Dig” that buried Boston’s vast network of highways underground, Boston has hit the new century running. Attractions span beautiful public libraries, fascinating museums and plenty of sports. Boston is destined to grow ever more beautiful as more and more of the ungainly elevated highways are replaced with lush parks.
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Have you ever had occasion to fall in love with a city? If not, Poznan will take your heart with its unique treasures, which stand dreamily watching their own reflections in the fast flowing Warta River. Here, history and tradition interweave with modernity offering you everything from bustling tourist attractions to idyllic hideaways. The city is perfect for romantic getaways. Even if you walk the cobbled streets alone, you will be swept away by the magic that has given Poznan a reputation for being Poland’s most popular small-big city.
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Autumn and winter colours
Le Cap d'Agde Méditerranée, France

Autumn and winter colours

Discover the destination with all the gorgeous colours of autumn, it is also a place worth discovering.
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Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Islands

In 1831, Charles Darwin sailed to South America aboard the H.M.S. Beagle. On the return voyage across the Pacific, the vessel stopped on a small group of islands far off the Ecuadorian coast, changing the course of human scientific endeavour and self-understanding forever. Fascinated by the unique wildlife on the islands, Darwin collected biological specimens and studied them over the next 30 years. His findings led to the formulation of the scientific theory of evolution by natural selection. This small group of islands and their one-of-a-kind wildlife are to thank for one of humanity's most remarkable discoveries. And today, almost 200 years later, they remain a source of endless fascination and a favourite travel destination for scientists, nature and wildlife enthusiasts, scuba divers, and anyone interested in the wonders of the natural world.
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When in Debrecen, use your senses instead of just looking for the signposts. Look down ahead of you to see on what kind of planks the citizens walked the streets in days of old. Look up to the sky and marvel at the colourful facades of the merchants’ houses, built at the beginning of the previous century. Follow your nose to the pleasant smells from the busy Mediterranean squares and intimate cafés, or simply listen to your ears and let the charming music guide your steps.
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Five Days in Dubai
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Five Days in Dubai

The sun always shines in Dubai, ensuring endless fun on every holiday. Spend your days lounging at the beach, dining at celebrated restaurants, shopping at al fresco districts and immersing yourself in the city’s cultural best. Our itinerary presents thrills for all ages and settings that inspire.
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Three Days in Dubai
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Three Days in Dubai

Whether you’re new to Dubai or a seasoned expert, our city always has surprises in store. Explore sky-high landmarks, charming waterside spots and cultural gems aplenty. Or go off the beaten track to hike in Hatta’s mountains, camp under the stars and create memories to last a lifetime.
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Las Grietas
Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Las Grietas

Adventure seekers can get their adrenaline pumping at this crystalline swimming hole by jumping from the newly-built platform on the surrounding cliffs. Las Grietas is a series of crevices that formed during the cooling process of the lava that formed these islands. The hike to get there takes travelers through a forest of huge cacti and over jagged and sometimes tricky lava rock formations, but the azure waters make the trip well worth the effort.
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