• flea market detail
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Rastro Market

Rastro Market

El Rastro de Valencia is a weekly flea market that takes place on Sunday mornings and attracts over 500 vendors each week. It is one of the largest flea markets in Spain and offers a wide variety of items, including old books, ornaments, toys, household items, jewellery, vinyl records, vintage clothing, ceramics, and more. The market is a great way to spend a few hours exploring and finding unique treasures but is open for a short time, so it's best to arrive early to avoid the largest crowds.
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El Corte Inglés

El Corte Inglés

Spain's department store colossus is both loved and hated, but successfully performs the main task of a department store, which is to offer most things to most people. Designer fashions, their own low and medium-priced lines, enormous perfumery and make-up departments, accessories, toys, children's and baby's clothes, art materials, souvenirs, food and delicatessen, household furniture and decorations, electrical goods, books, and a range of services can be found here.
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