• Poached egg on grilled toast with smoked salmon, rucola and vegetables on white board. healthy breakfast
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Gai Wan Cha / 盖碗茶

Gai Wan Cha / 盖碗茶

Gai Wan Cha, literally translated as Covered Tea, is the unique creation of this region. It is not a specific place, nor a specific kind of tea, but it is a way of drinking tea. While the tea houses were only for wealthy people, average families would gather by the river and have some boiled tea together. The reality has changed, yet the tradition stays. Nowadays, if you walk along the river or walk into a park, you can find many nameless stands with low chairs and tables in the open air by the road and under the trees. Locals come here for a chat, spend some time with friends and enjoy a cosy afternoon, and even play several rounds of Mahjong. Cai Wan Cha is an essential part of local culture and is a great way to have a peek into authentic local life.
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