검색 결과: 『网址:ff00.co』澳门新浦京665535com-F2F4Y5L8-7z1xzr1tj

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In English
Macau has a plethora of sites despite occupying just 30.8 square kilometres of the Chinese mainland. From neon-lit casinos to charming markets, cobbled streets to modern cafés, and Baroque churches to Art Deco architecture, there's a wonderful mix of East and West in the city. Many buildings and squares reflect Macau's colonial Portuguese legacy, as does the food, laid-back lifestyle, and the blue azulejo-tiled street names. Yet Macau has a modern Asian look, rivalling Singapore and Hong Kong.

목적지 4 결과


In English
Tokyo's technological leaps and passion for everything new have made the rest of the world sit up and take notice. A city made of smaller cities, Tokyo's neighbourhoods are individual and unique in what each can offer, from cultural sights to vast shopping malls. Get ready for a whirlwind of modernity and tradition in the neon-lit Japanese capital.

New Delhi

In English
New Delhi is a thoroughly inscrutable onion of a city: every layer you peel off reveals an even deeper layer of history. Rebuilt eight times by its many conquerors, it has been the seat of the Hindu, Muslim, and British empires. All of them have left their mark on the architecture, customs, food and people of this relentless city; all are undergoing a transformation in the capital of modern India.


In English
Beijing's famous Tiananmen Square is vast enough to hold one million people, while the historic Forbidden City boasts thousands of imperial rooms. The city continues to grow with the emergence of ever-higher rising towers, new restaurants, and trendy nightclubs. Despite this rapid development, China's capital has managed to retain its unique charm. The small teahouses in the backyards, traditional fabric shops, old temples, and bustling street restaurants make this city one of a kind.


In English
Singapore is a fascinating melting pot of East and West. Here the hypermodern buildings of the financial district blend with Chinatown’s classic small houses. As an old trading town, Singapore is the natural place for anyone who wants to shop – the range is enormous. In addition, Singapore offers a cuisine with influences from all corners of Asia that exceeds the highest expectations.

국가 6 결과


In English


In English


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U.S. Virgin Islands

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British Virgin Islands

In English

New Zealand

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