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Destination 2 Résultat

Cayo Coco

In English
Cayo Coco's spectacular white sandy beaches remained untouched for centuries. Despite recent development, they still retain that same feeling, with untamed mangroves, beautiful coral reefs and colourful flocks of flamingos dotting the turquoise waters. Together with nearby Cayo Guillermo and Cayo Santa Maria, Cayo Coco has become Cuba's third most popular destination after Havana and Varadero, and it's not hard to see why.

Cook Islands

In English
"Kia Orana", or welcome to the Cook Islands! This breathtaking archipelago is composed of 15 islands in the South Pacific. Each island has its own unique beauty, stories, and incredible landscape, only matched by the friendliness and grace of its people. Brilliant, sparkling white sandy beaches, clear blue lagoons, and fertile rainforests harbouring exceptional wildlife are just a few of the treasures waiting to be discovered.